We are in the thick of everything at Quintessence now. The Fall Rep is now half up, with ROMEO & JULIET having opening a week ago, and the opening night of THE MANDRAKE still a week away. It's been both awesome and exhausting. R&J is really starting to hum and I've got a few production photos shot by Shawn May to whet your whistle. More to come, my friends...
(And you can see more of Shawn May's production photos in Quintessence's Facebook Album by clicking HERE.)
Connor Hammond and Emiley Kiser
Gregory Isaac and Josh Caerpenter
Connor Hammond, Jahzeer Terrell, and Alan Brincks
Jahzeer Terrell
Emiley Kiser and Gregory Isaac
Anita Holland and Emiley Kiser
Gregory Isaac and Emiley Kiser